Tag: LifeChangers

Your Nonprofit Business Needs A Solid FoundationYour Nonprofit Business Needs A Solid Foundation

Ericka had to go it alone in this episode because, unfortunately, Sheila was not able to join us. So, Ericka did a great recap of previous episodes, and was able

You Named Your Nonprofit. Now What?You Named Your Nonprofit. Now What?

If you learn nothing else from Sheila and Ericka, you will know that you can certainly enjoy a good laugh, while still working in and on your nonprofit.

Your Vision: Ways to Keep The Nonprofit Moving ForwardYour Vision: Ways to Keep The Nonprofit Moving Forward

It is the season for giving. People and businesses have BIG hearts and are making BIG donations. But what if your nonprofit organization is NOT the recipient of such generous

Society For Charity With Corey AllenSociety For Charity With Corey Allen

Society For Charity logo

Corey Allen, Founder and CEO of Society For Charity, has a transparent chat with Sheila and Ericka. He leaves no stone unturned, nor question unanswered. Listen in...

Feminine Cares With Emerald TunieFeminine Cares With Emerald Tunie

In this episode, Sheila and Ericka have a chat with Emerald, Founder, CEO and Executive Director of Feminie Cares. Listen in as we discuss a topic that doesn’t get the

PEO vs PSP – Info For Your Nonprofit OrganizationPEO vs PSP – Info For Your Nonprofit Organization


Sheila and Ericka share valuable information that will help you in the Human Resources aspect of your nonprofit organization startup and growth. This information is helpful for for-profit businesses, as

Fundraising Ideas For the Holidays and BeyondFundraising Ideas For the Holidays and Beyond

cover photo for podcast episode "Fundraising Ideas For the Holidays and Beyond"

In this “Just Us” episode, Sheila and Ericka share some really creative ways to raise funds for your nonprofit – not just for the holidays – but, also, to help

VOTE! With Tracy Adkison of The League of Women Voters of GaVOTE! With Tracy Adkison of The League of Women Voters of Ga

Tracy Adkison, Director of The League of Women Voters of Georgia

Tis the (voter registration) season! Tracy Adkison, Director of The League of Women Voters of Georgia, sat down with Sheila and Ericka for a deep-dive into voting, policy and MORE!

Grant Writing Tips With David PyoasGrant Writing Tips With David Pyoas

D B Pyoas & Associates LLC

In this follow-up chat, let’s talk all things GRANTS with David Pyoas of DB & Associates. Sheila and Ericka spoke with David in episode #6, when we discussed strategies to

Registering Muslim Voters With Salik Sohani of GaMVPRegistering Muslim Voters With Salik Sohani of GaMVP

Georgia Muslim Voter Projet logo

Sheila and Ericka enjoy an eye-opening discussion, with Salik Sohani of Georgia Muslim Voter Project, and learn about they're creative ways to increase registrations.