The CNN Podcast nonprofit best practices,Nonprofit Events,nonprofit resources,Podcast Episodes Your Vision: Ways to Keep The Nonprofit Moving Forward

Your Vision: Ways to Keep The Nonprofit Moving Forward

Your Vision: Ways to Keep The Nonprofit Moving Forward post thumbnail image

It is the season for giving. People and businesses have BIG hearts and are making BIG donations. But what if your nonprofit organization is NOT the recipient of such generous donations? Let’s get into it!


The key factor for the holidays, that nonprofit organizations need to think about, is #GivingTuesday. We know this day, for nonprofit organizations, is like Black Friday for Retailers. This day can be the BIGGEST day for donations received, empowering you to do more of the awesome work your nonprofit does all year long.

Communication is a key factor to getting the word out about what you would like to receive all year long. The holiday season is certainly no exception.  Get those email campaigns out. Set up that webpage just for #GivingTuesday. Get those Volunteers lined up, if you plan to do in-person events to collect donations.

Sometimes, it is hard to keep moving forward, especially when you are a new nonprofit organization. Support is a very important resource – which is another key factor to keep you moving forward.

Support and resources are just two of the factors we discuss in this episode. There are others, that keep nonprofit organizations from growing. As always, this episode shares some transparency, and unscripted information to help YOU get UN-stuck!

You will learn some really good information in this episode, and a boatload of heart-felt inspiration and motivation. We have been there and know what it takes to stay in line with your vision, and to keep moving forward.

Do you have a question for Sheila or Ericka? Please write it below. Thank you, and as always… Be awesome and BE blessed!

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