How To Create a Successful Internship Program For Your Nonprofit

How To Create a Successful Internship Program For Your Nonprofit post thumbnail image

This was such a fun and exciting discussion! I had the pleasure to chat with our own L.I.T. Internship Program team – McKinzie, “Sam”, and Rashia. This episode shares nuggets to help you create a successful internship program for your nonprofit organization.


Meet the L.I.T. Internship Program team:

McKinzie Thorson will be attending graduate school to receive a master’s in Forensic Psychology.

McKinzie has a passion for the intersection of Psychology and Criminal Justice and hopes to make a difference in the Criminal Justice world.

Samantha “Sam” Howard earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology there, as well as my Minor in Spanish. I am also a full-time nanny and a part-time barista.

Next on my journey is attending graduate school for my Master’s Degree in School Psychology.

I am very passionate about psychology, and I am eager to gain more knowledge about the way our minds work as people in hopes of making a positive impact on my community.

Rashia van den Ende is one of the founding staff members of LifeChangers, Inc., as well as our Communications Organizer. Rashia quite literally has her hands in almost every aspect of the organization.

This young woman has many great responsibilities within our organization, maintains all our social media accounts, takes care of our graphic design needs, and tracks our analytics to name a few.

After years of providing customer service in the workforce, Rashia decided to join the LifeChangers team to continue to help others in a way that she never thought she would.

Helping those in need has always been a life goal for Rashia, which is part of what drew her to LifeChangers, Inc. This opportunity has not only been a learning experience, but also, given her a way to put her talents to great use.

Rashia serves as the “Den Mother” of the L.I.T. Internship Program, ensuring all parties are on the same page and up-to=date with assignments, changes, and anything that needs to be known.

An internship program, when designed to be a win-win situation, can be a wonderful experience for the Interns and the organization. Contact us for help getting yours started.

Do you have a question for “Sam”, McKinzie, Rashia or Ericka? Please write it in the section below. You may also contact us privately.

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Until next time… Be awesome and be blessed!

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