The CNN Podcast Nonprofit Business,Podcast Episodes Your Nonprofit Business Needs A Solid Foundation

Your Nonprofit Business Needs A Solid Foundation

Your Nonprofit Business Needs A Solid Foundation post thumbnail image

Ericka had to go it alone in this episode because, unfortunately, Sheila was not able to join us. So, Ericka did a great recap of previous episodes, and was able to dig deep into the business side of your nonprofit organization.


In this episode, Ericka discusses a few main pieces of your nonprofit’s puzzle:

  1. Customer Service
  2. Communications – How to be effective and efficient
  3. Networking – In-person and virtual events
  4. Marketing – Social Media, your website and Email Marketing
  5. Resources and tools – Free and low-cost tools to make it happen

This episode really digs deep into the business side of your nonprofit. We want to see you W-I-N, but that starts with a good, solid foundation.

As a veteran business owner, and Business Coach, Ericka knows what it takes to get a business up and running. One tip she gives to ALL business owners and nonprofit Founders, is to STAY in learning mode.

Things change constantly. Tools get better, enabling you to be more efficient and effective. Don’t get caught up in the “shiny object” syndrome but learn what is available to enhance your nonprofit’s performance and impact.

Hopefully, you found great value in this episode. We love feedback and input. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or question in the comments section below.

As always… Until next time… Be awesome and be blessed!

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