Tag: nonprofit network

Feminine Cares With Emerald TunieFeminine Cares With Emerald Tunie

In this episode, Sheila and Ericka have a chat with Emerald, Founder, CEO and Executive Director of Feminie Cares. Listen in as we discuss a topic that doesn’t get the

PEO vs PSP – Info For Your Nonprofit OrganizationPEO vs PSP – Info For Your Nonprofit Organization


Sheila and Ericka share valuable information that will help you in the Human Resources aspect of your nonprofit organization startup and growth. This information is helpful for for-profit businesses, as

Grant Writing Tips With David PyoasGrant Writing Tips With David Pyoas

D B Pyoas & Associates LLC

In this follow-up chat, let’s talk all things GRANTS with David Pyoas of DB & Associates. Sheila and Ericka spoke with David in episode #6, when we discussed strategies to

Registering Muslim Voters With Salik Sohani of GaMVPRegistering Muslim Voters With Salik Sohani of GaMVP

Georgia Muslim Voter Projet logo

Sheila and Ericka enjoy an eye-opening discussion, with Salik Sohani of Georgia Muslim Voter Project, and learn about they're creative ways to increase registrations.

illennial Volunteers With Rashia van den Endeillennial Volunteers With Rashia van den Ende

Volunteers can make or break a community nonprofit organization. We sat down with Rashia van den Ende, a Volunteer with LifeChangers, Inc. What keeps her passionate, and how can nonprofits

It’s Time To Connect With The RIGHT ConnectionsIt’s Time To Connect With The RIGHT Connections

Cobb Collaborative logo

Listen in as Sheila and Ericka have a candid discussion with Irene Barton, Executive Director of Cobb Collaborative. Topics include childhoodhood trauma and the impact of the pandemic on children

Dr. John Morgan of Cobb Hope ParkDr. John Morgan of Cobb Hope Park

In this episode, Sheila and Ericka discuss homelessness with Dr. John Morgan of Cobb Hope Park. What are some of the biggest hurdles facing organizations that want to create solutions?

Michael Taylor of Center for Employment Opportunities AtlantaMichael Taylor of Center for Employment Opportunities Atlanta

logo for CEO, Center for Employment Opportunityes, the largest reentry employment agency in the US

Michael Taylor is the founding Site Director of CEO Atlanta, joining Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO), the largest reentry employer in the United States in April 2021.

Kaitlyn Ball of Cobb CollaborativeKaitlyn Ball of Cobb Collaborative

Cobb Collaborative logo

In this episode, Sheila and Ericka have an eye-opening and informative conversation about voting rights with Kaitlyn Ball, the Civic Engagement Program Coordinator with Cobb Collaborative.

Chef Alex Reethof of Gathering IndustriesChef Alex Reethof of Gathering Industries

Chef Alex Reetof, Founder of Gathering Industries

In this episode, Sheila and Ericka enjoy a lively discussion with Chef Alex Reethof, Owner of Reetof Hospitality and Founder of Gathering Industries.