Starting and growing your nonprofit business is not as easy as it may sound. With the right marketing tools in place, it doesn’t have to be hard, either. Let’s talk
Tag: Ericka Scott
Your Nonprofit Business Needs A Solid FoundationYour Nonprofit Business Needs A Solid Foundation

Ericka had to go it alone in this episode because, unfortunately, Sheila was not able to join us. So, Ericka did a great recap of previous episodes, and was able
Society For Charity With Corey AllenSociety For Charity With Corey Allen

Corey Allen, Founder and CEO of Society For Charity, has a transparent chat with Sheila and Ericka. He leaves no stone unturned, nor question unanswered. Listen in...
Feminine Cares With Emerald TunieFeminine Cares With Emerald Tunie

In this episode, Sheila and Ericka have a chat with Emerald, Founder, CEO and Executive Director of Feminie Cares. Listen in as we discuss a topic that doesn’t get the
PEO vs PSP – Info For Your Nonprofit OrganizationPEO vs PSP – Info For Your Nonprofit Organization

Sheila and Ericka share valuable information that will help you in the Human Resources aspect of your nonprofit organization startup and growth. This information is helpful for for-profit businesses, as
Fundraising Ideas For the Holidays and BeyondFundraising Ideas For the Holidays and Beyond

In this “Just Us” episode, Sheila and Ericka share some really creative ways to raise funds for your nonprofit – not just for the holidays – but, also, to help
VOTE! With Tracy Adkison of The League of Women Voters of GaVOTE! With Tracy Adkison of The League of Women Voters of Ga

Tis the (voter registration) season! Tracy Adkison, Director of The League of Women Voters of Georgia, sat down with Sheila and Ericka for a deep-dive into voting, policy and MORE!
Make An Impact With Your Nonprofit OrganizationMake An Impact With Your Nonprofit Organization

Listen in as Sheila and Ericka have a high-level business discussion with Ben Woodward, co-founder of Nonprofit Elite. Learn about nonprofit organizations - formation and staartup.
illennial Volunteers With Rashia van den Endeillennial Volunteers With Rashia van den Ende

Volunteers can make or break a community nonprofit organization. We sat down with Rashia van den Ende, a Volunteer with LifeChangers, Inc. What keeps her passionate, and how can nonprofits
It’s Time To Connect With The RIGHT ConnectionsIt’s Time To Connect With The RIGHT Connections

Listen in as Sheila and Ericka have a candid discussion with Irene Barton, Executive Director of Cobb Collaborative. Topics include childhoodhood trauma and the impact of the pandemic on children