How to Network Like a Pro For Your Nonprofit

How to Network Like a Pro For Your Nonprofit post thumbnail image

Networking is a key ingredient to successfully launching and growing your community nonprofit organization..

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In this episode of The CNN Podcast, Sheila Hardy and Ericka Scott discuss best practices to implement if you want your nonprofit organization to make the impact you envisioned when you “opened the doors” to your nonprofit.

Stay tuned and share this episode with others who may be stuck or want to start a community nonprofit organization. We are sharing with you what we have learned along the path of our for profit and noprofit startup journey.

For information specific to your nonprofit, or if you have questions, please contact us. We are here to serve you and your community nonprofit organization.

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Did we miss something? What would you add to the information about networking we shared in this episode? Please leave your comments below. Thank you!

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